The annual Mass is sponsored by the Orange County chapter of the Order of Malta, an ancient Catholic religious order dating to 1048 A.D.
The Mass will include:
Annointing of the Sick
Blessing of caregivers hands
Blessing with Lourdes Water
Anointing of the sick by an ordained priest is one of the seven sacred sacraments, rituals performed in the Roman Catholic Church to confer grace through the Holy Spirit.
“As Christians, caring for the sick is an essential part of our ministry, particularly during these pandemic times,” said Bishop Kevin Vann. “We as a Church and as a society, more than ever, must never fail to recognize our most vulnerable or fail to recognize all those who care for the infirmed. Often they are right in front of us, and we can easily overlook the needs of the sick and suffering whom the Lord presents to us. This would be a good month to actually review and pray the Church’s Liturgy for the care of the sick. Together, we will pray for caregiver and patients’ physical health and strength, as well as for their spiritual and emotional needs.”